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Mould Repair Methods & Prevention – Tips for Water Damaged Areas

2022 has been a very turbulent year with regard to extreme weather and flooding in the area around BetaBoard’s main locations of operations. It is for this reason that we are publishing a series of blog articles related to water and flood damage. This article is about mould repair and our top mould prevention tips. We hope you find it useful.

Mould Repair and Our Mould Prevention Tips

One of the uncomfortable truths about mould and mould damage is that if you can see mould then the mould problem is already quite serious. Another truth about mould is that mould spores are everywhere and all around us, to the point that it is impossible to completely get rid of them. But mould remediation is possible, as you can get a mould problem under control, and it’s possible to prevent mould from growing out of hand in the first place. Here are our mould prevention tips and ideas for mould repair.

Time is of the Essence

Since mould is in the air and all around us, why is it not growing everywhere? This is because mould needs moisture to grow, so where the environment is dry mould growth is not going to be a problem. But if you have experienced water damage from a flood or a leaky pipe then you will have moisture stuck inside your walls, which makes it the perfect place for mould growth. So if you do experience water damage, time is of the essence. You have to be quick about drying the inside of the walls or ceiling.

Drying the Walls

When it comes to drying the inside of your walls, it is best to leave it to a professional. A contractor who specialises in water damage will probably cut a small hole in your plasterboard wall and connect an industrial-grade dehumidifier to the hole by way of a large flexible hose. Over the course of several hours, or even several days, the dehumidifier will suck the wet air out of the wall making it easy for the water in the wood and plasterboard to further evaporate and also get sucked into the dehumidifier. This is something that you will want to have done as soon as possible after water damage occurs.

Can Fans Dry Walls and Ceilings?

Yes, fans work well to dry walls and ceilings. A properly placed fan can help dry a room if it is situated next to a window or a vent that leads outside. The fan will have to be powerful enough to move enough air to create negative pressure in the room as it blows the wet air outside. But this negative pressure won’t have any effect on the moisture inside the walls because the walls effectively seal the moisture in. In order for the moisture to escape from the inside of the walls or ceiling, a hole or several holes will need to be made. These holes will need to be patched after drying is complete, so contact a professional if you’re not 100% sure that you can do it yourself.

What if Mould is Already Growing

Walls are hollow, and if you see mould growing inside the wall of a room then there’s a high probability that there’s a lot more mould growth inside your walls where you can’t see. At this point, the mould cannot be easily cleaned. The best way to go about mould repair in this situation is to completely remove and replace the mouldy plasterboard and the mouldy structural wood.

Will Bleach Work?

Bleach is one of the best chemicals for cleaning and killing mould on smooth surfaces. The problem is that wood and plasterboard are not smooth surfaces, but they are highly porous ones instead. This means that if there is mould growth on wood or plasterboard the mould is actually living too deep within the cellular structure of the wood or the pours of the plasterboard for the bleach to reach. If you do use bleach to clean mouldy walls, you will only make the walls look clean, but the mould will survive and will return. So, unfortunately, bleach doesn’t work on walls.

Replacing Damaged Plasterboard

Ultimately removing and replacing water-damaged plasterboard is the surest way to deal with mould damage. If the mould is not growing yet then it’s possible to save the plasterboard. But if the mould is growing then the plasterboard has to go. Even if the mould isn’t visibly growing, there’s still a possibility that the mould has started to grow but has not grown enough to be seen. That is another reason why replacing water-damaged plasterboard is the safest way to prevent mould.

Where to Get Replacement Plasterboard

If you have experienced water damage from a flood or a leaky pipe you will want to contact a professional contractor who can evaluate your situation and advise you on the best course of action in dealing with the water damage. If your plasterboard is too far gone then it will need to be replaced. The team at BetaBoard are the plasterboard suppliers Brisbane counts on for residential and commercial building materials. We have Easycraft wall panels, which are easy to work with, and a quick and cost-effective way to replace water-damaged plasterboard. If you’d like to organise a quote or browse the available materials from BetaBoard you can visit one of our 5 stores, or get in touch online.