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Using Curved Walls as a Design Choice

Curved walls can add a unique and dynamic element to any space. They can be used to create a sense of flow and movement, as well as to add visual interest to the interior of your home. This specific wall type can also be used in outdoor spaces, such as creating a curved wall around a patio or garden.

Some people might get inspiration from natural forms, such as the curved shape of a seashell, while others might be inspired by the sleek lines of modern architecture. Overall, curved walls can be a versatile and impactful design choice that adds a sense of movement, flow, and elegance to any given space, when implemented just the right way.

Interested in bringing your curved ideas to life? Browse our products and materials today or visit one of our 5 stores.

Inspiration for Curved Wall Designs

Make a Statement

One way to incorporate curved walls into a design is by using them as a focal point somewhere in your home – this is the best way to make a statement and add a touch of uniqueness to any given space. For example, a wall that is curved within a living room can serve as the backdrop for a fireplace or a piece of art, as it instantly draws the eyes to the area.

A Unique Divider

Another great way that these walls serve a purpose is by using them to divide your rooms. For example, installing a wall with curves to separate the dining area from your living room. Not only does it allow for extra space, but it draws an interest to these rooms due to the shape of the wall being out of the ordinary to most homes.

Creates Elegance

Implementing a curved wall into your home is going to bring a sense of elegance to the space. Think; whenever you see a beautiful home with a staircase hugging a curved wall, it really brings that ‘wow’ factor – again, this is because it’s something different, and isn’t a common theme throughout most homes. For the most part, people love a touch of luxury, and that’s exactly what these specific walls entail.

Nooks and Crannies

One of the best things about these specific wall designs are the nooks and crannies they bring to a room. If you’ve always wanted a dedicated space for some armchairs and a table, or even a spot to add some trinkets, vases, lighting etc., the curve in which these walls provide are great spaces to incorporate these little additions of character.

Although not common throughout residential homes, curved walls are not something new. If you’re renovating, rebuilding, or building a brand-new home and just want something different within your space, consider the implementation of curved walls. At BetaBoard, we have everything you or your builders need to make it happen, form plasterboard to other materials, we’ve become the leading suppliers.

Choose BetaBoard for Your Curved Wall Designs

If you’re looking to implement these outstanding designs through yours or a clients home, choose BetaBoard, your leading plasterboard suppliers. With a range of products and materials on hand, we make it easy to bring design ideas to life. Buy plasterboard with us today or get in touch online for more information on our range.