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Sustainable Home Design with Eco Wall Cladding Materials

Home building materials have a big impact on natural resources. In the temperate regions of the world, wood is still the primary choice for structural framing and probably will be for a long time. It’s readily available, more, or less reasonably priced, and backed by skilled trades who know how to work with it. Alternatives such as steel framing are still specialised solutions. But what about the exterior walls?

For a framed structure, these have traditionally used wood products as well. Now there’s an alternative that is better – fibre cement cladding is more durable, easier and quicker to install, and it’s highly fire-resistant. It is also an eco wall cladding – whole forests could be left untouched by the use of fibre cement cladding at scale. Its primary component is an engineered rock material. We need all the trees we can get, but we’ll never run out of rocks.


We Have What You Need

We are considered one of Brisbane’s prime suppliers of plasterboard and plaster supplies. We have what you need for your project – whether it’s a renovation or a new build. Visit our website to view our selection of materials, or contact us online for additional information or to request a quote. Our stores are conveniently located and fully stocked – stop by and see our products up close.


What Is Eco Wall Cladding?

These days the term “eco” is tossed around rather frequently – it seems like everything is suddenly eco. In a way that’s good because it reflects a greatly heightened awareness of our caretaker status of this planet. But it also raises the noise level, when eco is used where it doesn’t really belong.

Exterior wall cladding might not seem like a likely place to be eco – but that’s only because it’s easy to miss the resources consumed by the production of legacy wood-based wall coverings that happens far away. We see the finished product at the yard or on a house, and it’s so familiar that it’s easy to take for granted. Wall cladding is a great place to be eco – the substitution of wood with a better product that leaves our forests in peace is a big step forward.

Fit For Many Eco Purposes

Fibre cement cladding is an engineered product – it can be produced to specification with the end use in mind. Everything from large continuous sheets to lapstrake board to shingles can be fabricated. Complex surface designs can be created during manufacture – fibre cement cladding very successfully represents brick, wood, and stone. It is so realistic that it can be integrated side-by-side with construction using the actual products. At the other end of the texture spectrum, fibre cement cladding also does a fine job of showing up as rendered cement. In all these applications, fibre cement cladding is the eco alternative – always less consuming of resources. It also takes less time for installation and generally costs less – especially when long-term durability is considered.

Making An Eco Wall Cladding

The basic component of fibre wall cladding is gypsum – a slightly soft sedimentary rock. It is naturally clean, and its use doesn’t alter or damage any natural process. Processed and mixed with water, it forms a slurry that can be moulded and shaped as desired. A fibre core is embedded, giving resilience and additional strength. As the cladding dries and hardens, it is coated with a heavy paper-like surfacing, which is often made of recycled material. The finished product is ready to install – it goes from delivery straight onto the framing. It may be pre-primed so painting in finish colours can begin immediately. It is naturally fire-resistant and termite-proof.

Unique For Exterior Use

There are alternative eco-styled materials for installations not exposed to weather. Rubber sheeting is promoted as soundproofing, for example. The production of synthetic rubber is not a particularly eco-friendly process, but as with wood cladding, the problems are not very visible to the consumer. Fibre cement products have many uses indoors, but their ability to withstand weather, intense sunlight, insect attack, and even fire makes them unique as an alternative material for wide-scale exterior use. Properly selected and correctly installed, fibre cement cladding will outlast basically all other exterior materials – it is made from rock, after all. Brick and natural stone last quite well, but fibre cement can be expected to outlast the mortar and grout used to hold those materials together.

Saving The Planet, One Wall At A Time

Fibre cement cladding is in use all over Australia and elsewhere, a primary construction material in its own right – and successfully substituting for less durable materials that are in more limited long-term supply. Easier installation and durability measured in decades are the bonus for using a product that genuinely contributes in its modest but widespread way to the health and well-being of the Earth.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

Consider fibre cement eco wall cladding and other fibre cement products for your next project. Have questions? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer them – and you can also request a quote. Our great stores are the place to see fibre cement board and everything else in person, and to talk over your needs with our friendly staff.