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Water Damaged Plasterboard

Water damaged plasterboard can occur in a variety of situations. Direct exposure to water from leaks and flooding or being present in areas of high humidity can result in your plasterboard being deformed or spoiled. If unnoticed or ignored, the damaged plaster can create an expensive and dire problem as over time it will lose its structural integrity and perhaps start to mould which creates a potential health hazard.

BetaBoard has created this blog to help inform you about repairing and replacing water damaged plasterboard so you know what to do if the problem happens.

Looking to buy plasterboard for your next project or replace it after an accident? Begin by contacting the friendly BetaBoard team at one of their 4 stores today! For further enquiries or questions, get in touch online and one of our team members will be in touch with you presently.

Water Damaged Plasterboard Repair or Replace?

The answer to this question depends on how long the plasterboard was exposed to moisture and the amount of water it came into contact with.

Small Amounts

Reasonably tiny amounts of water such as a splash or damp towel rubbing against a wall pose no threat to plasterboard. Simply wipe the area with a dry cloth and it will be fine. In the case of small spills, use a cloth to absorb the liquid then wipe the area dry. Afterwards, use a fan to dry the area. If your plasterboard is painted, the paint can safeguard it from small leaks and spills.

Larger Amounts

Substantial amounts of water on plasterboard can swiftly loosen or soften it. Mould can begin to appear and negatively impact the air of your house. Even worse is if your plasterboard comes into contact with contaminated water, such as water containing sewage or pesticides. In both cases, the water damaged plasterboard needs to be replaced but if your plasterboard is wet and free of contamination it may be saved.

Repairing Plasterboard

When allowed to thoroughly dry your plasterboard can be salvaged. Ensure the impacted area and the plasterboard are properly ventilated and dried. Use a fan to increase airflow and speed up the process. After enough time has passed, check for moisture by testing the firmness of the plasterboard. Prod it with a screwdriver or even a knife, if it is soft then it is still wet otherwise it is dry and ready to be reused.

Replacing Water Damaged Plasterboard

If your plasterboard has swelling, cracks, mould, or been in contact with polluted water then tear it out and replace it. Check all fasteners and frames for damage as well. If you are replacing the plasterboard yourself, make sure to wear the appropriate protective equipment.

If water damage or continued exposure to high humidity is persistent then consider using water-resistant plasterboard. Boral WETSTOP is designed with exactly these conditions in mind and makes an excellent material for use in garages, showers, and bathrooms.

Need Plasterboard or Other Hardware Supplies?

Visit one of our 4 stores to browse our extensive range of plasterboard and building materials today! For a quote or further enquiries, contact us online and one of our expert team members will be in touch with you shortly.