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How to Improve Air Quality with Ceiling Panelling

You can improve the quality of the air in your home or office with ceiling panelling. But not just any ceiling panelling – Stratopanel from Knauf, designed with CLEANEO technology, is made just for this task. This panelling system uses passive air purification that removes pollutants and makes the air smell better, without the need for noisy fans found in most air purifying systems. It accomplishes this with specialised materials that require a bit of explanation to fully appreciate. Read on to learn more about how to improve air quality with high-tech ceiling panelling.

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How to Improve Air Quality with Ceiling Panelling from BetaBoard

It All Starts with Volcanic Rock

Zeolite is a term used for a family of naturally occurring or synthetically produced material with unique chemistry properties. The most common form of naturally occurring zeolite is from volcanic rock. At the molecular level, zeolite forms a crystalline structure, making it very porous at a small scale – the term ‘microporous’ is used to describe this.

This gives it tremendous surface area, with a single teaspoon of powdered zeolite having the surface area of a rugby field. Each individual powder particle of zeolite acts like a tiny filter, and it is sometimes called a molecular-sieve due to its ability to allow smaller molecules to pass through while entrapping others. This makes zeolite very good for cleaning.

The Many Uses of Zeolite

If you have a cat, then you know how to improve air quality with good cat litter, the best of which is made with zeolite materials. If you look at a grain of cat litter under a powerful microscope, you will see the maze of little tunnels that makes up the porous structure of the litter rock. Molecules consisting of moisture and bad smells can enter this maze and become trapped, keeping the air fresh for you and for your furry friend.

Zeolite can also be found in many other products around the home, from cosmetics to laundry detergents. It is used in chemical manufacturing and in agriculture for slow-release fertilisers. One of the most common uses is in water filtration. Zeolite is great at filtering out contaminants and impurities from water, making it safe for drinking. It is a true miracle material of the modern age.

How It Works in Ceiling Panelling

The air in a busy home or office is always moving. Fans, heaters, air conditioners and bodies shifting here and there create a turbulent flow of air that is in constant motion. We rarely notice this air movement because it is very gentle, and only occasionally rustles the papers on a desk. But the air moves and flows everywhere, even up and through the ceiling panels.

Zeolite is incorporated into the structure of Stratopanel ceiling panelling from Knauf. These panels have many large holes in them allowing the air to easily pass through to the area above the ceiling and back down into the room again. As the air circulates, it passes through the zeolite in the panelling, contacting the large surface area of the porous material, and the microscopic filters work their magic by trapping pollutants, effectively cleaning the air and improving indoor air quality. It’s an amazingly simple, but extremely effective technology that keeps home and office air fresh and clean.

Get Yours at BetaBoard Today

We are Queensland’s number one supplier of ceiling panelling – with a large inventory to choose from, you’re bound to find the perfect panelling solution for your needs. You can browse our selection of architectural panelling online, or you can visit us in one of our fully stocked stores. Our team is always happy to answer any of your questions on how to improve air quality or to assist with ordering information, so contact us today.