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How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient – Our Best Ideas

Are you concerned about wasting energy in your home? Making your home more energy efficient is important for several reasons. It conserves our limited resources and helps to protect the environment while also saving you money by reducing energy consumption. It improves comfort by creating a more evenly heated and cooled space. If you’re concerned about how to improve home energy efficiency as a resident, keep reading.

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How to make your home more energy efficient

There are a number of ways to make your home more energy efficient, from small tweaks like installing a programmable thermostat to more extensive renovations like replacing your windows or insulation. Here are some of the best ways to make your home more energy efficient:


Interested in how to improve home energy efficiency? Installing insulation is one of the best ways to reduce your energy usage as it helps keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer. Insulation puts the air conditioner out of work more often than not, letting you enjoy the cool air inside your home when it’s hot out.

Contrastingly, winter months see your home warmer than ever, so long as windows and doors are sealed up and don’t let in a draft. One of the leading materials for insulation is Fletcher glass wool. This particular material provides an effective energy-efficient solution for homeowners and builders as it not only offers your home cooler and energy efficiency in the winter and summer months but is fire resistant.

Energy-efficient lights

Are you wondering how to make your home more energy efficient with LED lights but believe this will be expensive? Energy-efficient lights are cost-effective for a home, allowing residents to save money on monthly bills. LED lights, for example, use up to 75% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and can last up to 25 times longer. By installing energy-efficient lighting, homeowners can reduce their energy consumption and save money on their monthly utility bills.

Install efficient appliances

You may not realise it, but old appliances are far from being energy efficient. They can drain energy without you even realising. However, replacing old appliances with new energy-efficient ones is a great way to save on your energy bills. This is because new appliances are designed to be more efficient and use less energy than older models. They can also help you conserve energy and reduce your environmental impact.

Embrace natural ventilation

When it comes to summer in Australia, the last thing anyone wants is to be sitting in the sticky and humid Australian heat. But if you’re wondering how to improve home energy efficiency in the summer heat, one way is with plenty of windows. It’s time to embrace ventilation by opening up all your windows and doors and letting the cool breeze sweep through your home. Thankfully, many Queensland homes are built with multiple windows, allowing residents to save on electricity bills in peak summer.

Save on water usage with a low-flow showerhead

Installing a low-flow showerhead is one way to save energy. This is because a low-flow showerhead uses less water than a standard showerhead, so you can save money on your water bill. Not only this but installing a low-flow showerhead can help you conserve energy since you’ll need less water to heat. If you’re interested in saving energy and money, consider installing a low-flow showerhead in your home.

Be wary of appliances on standby

If you’re not using an appliance, like a TV or computer, they’re still using power. Appliances will indicate they’re on standby usually when they have a red light. Although you aren’t using the appliance, it still requires energy to stay on and on standby. By using turning off your appliance at the power socket or even using a Standby Power Controller, you can improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Start saving on energy today!

Interested in how to make your home more energy efficient? BetaBoard is the leading supplier when it comes to energy-efficient renovations. We provide renovation supplies Brisbane and materials necessary to make your home more energy efficient. If you’re looking to make your home more energy efficient, visit one of our 5 BetaBoard stores across SEQ, or get in touch online to organise a quote.