White plastered ceiling with recessed lights | Featured image for the How to Plaster a ceiling blog from BetaBoard.

How to Plaster a Ceiling

Plastering a ceiling can be a daunting task, especially if you have never done it before. But if you are willing to unleash your inner handyman and do the job yourself, you will save yourself money on hiring someone to do the work for you. Like anything, plastering takes practice, and the more you do it the sooner you will become a plastering pro.

This blog will walk you through the essential steps of plastering a ceiling. Along with a step-by-step guide on how to plaster a ceiling, this blog will also let you know the tools you will need to have on hand. If you are needing to purchase plastering products, BetaBoard have you covered.

How to Plaster a Ceiling the Right Way

Required Plaster Supplies

  • Mixing bucket (plus a spare bucket for water)
  • Trowel
  • Hawk
  • Power mixer (if you don’t want to mix by hand)
  • Plaster mix
  • Protective equipment (gloves, glasses, etc)
  • Large disposable sheets

How to Plaster a Ceiling in 5 Steps

1.    Prepare the area

Like any task, preparation is key. Make sure you have gathered your tools and have covered the walls and floor with disposable sheets to collect excess plaster. Plastering a ceiling is messy work, so it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure the rest of the room doesn’t get dirty. It is also wise to remove all furniture from the room. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty and put on the necessary safety equipment, such as gloves and goggles. Lastly, you will want to prepare the ceiling itself. Give it a clean before you start, cover any lights and remove any protrusions that may be present, such as nails.

2.    Mix Your Plaster

Now that your work area is ready, it is time to create your mix. Grab your mixing bucket and fill it with cold water, then add your plaster mix until it reaches the water’s surface. It is important to always have the water in the bucket first and not the plaster. Using either your power mixer or a paddle if you want to do it by hand, mix the bucket’s contents until it reaches a thick, creamy consistency. Keep an extra bucket full of water close by so you can quickly clean your tools.

3.    Time to Apply

Once your mixture is ready, use your trowel to remove plaster from the bucket and place it on your hawk for easier access. Holding your hawk in one hand, or placed on a nearby stand for convenience, use the trowel to apply the plaster to the ceiling. It is wise to only use small amounts of plaster at first to make sure you get the hang of it. Likewise, it is unlikely you will get it right the first time, so simply take your time until you feel comfortable. When plastering, it is recommended to start from one edge of the ceiling and work your way to the other side, troweling in thick and even rows. Once you have finished the first coat and it is dry, apply the second coat on top of it.

Man plastering a ceiling | Featured image for the How to Plaster a ceiling blog from BetaBoard.

4.    Give it a Final Once-over

Now that the plaster has been applied, look over it one more time to check for any missed spots or uneven parts. Smooth everything over again to make sure it is all flat and consistent, and smooth out any trowel lines that may still be visible. It is important to correct any blemishes before the plaster gets too hard. Once you’re happy with the result, allow it to dry.

5.    Clean Up

Once the job is finished, clean all the tools you used with cold water. Remove the protective sheets and dispose of them accordingly, while making sure no plaster managed to get inside the house. Once everything is clean, empty out your buckets and give them all a wash as well. Then give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Let BetaBoard Take Care of All Your Plastering Needs

Whether you are seeking plasterboard tools or further advice on how to plaster a ceiling, BetaBoard are here to help. Please browse our online store where we sell all the tools you’ll need for plastering a ceiling, or get in touch online if you have any enquires. Find your nearest BetaBoard location and pay us a visit to view our products or speak to a friendly member of our staff.