A small pile of nails and scrws | Featured image for the blog Nails vs Screws from BetaBoard.

A Guide to When to Use Nails vs Screws for Construction Projects

When you need to fasten two objects together, there are a number of options available on the market. Two of the most common methods are nails and screws. Each of these fasteners has its own advantages and disadvantages, and knowing which one works best for your project is important, especially in construction projects, where a variety of fasteners are required for securely attaching building materials together.

These fasteners are used across a wide range of construction, landscaping and building projects, whether they’re professional or DIY. In this blog, we’ll take a look at nails vs screws and examine their pros and cons do that you know exactly which type of fastener will best cater to your upcoming or current project.

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A Guide to Understanding Nails vs Screws

Easy to install

Screws and nails are commonly used from assembling building materials, and furniture to being utilised on larger projects. Not only are they quick and easy to install into your required piece of material, but they also offer flexibility and ease of adjustment should an error present itself. Nails require minimal effort and can often be seamlessly removed with a hammer – if you’re looking for more of a sturdier solution, nails are the way to go, especially for those projects that have more weight involved.

Building Security

When it comes to building and construction projects, a lot of movement and weight is involved – this is yet another reason as to why its good to understand which fasteners are going to suit you best. For lighter builds and security, nails are the optimal choice, as they wont bend, break, or thread once together. If you’re involved in a project that requires a fastener that can handle heavier weight, it’s best to invest in some screws to avoid threading issues, along with their ability to hold weightier materials

Long-term use

Over time, nails have a tendency to corrode due to exposure to moisture and extreme temperatures, which can weaken the nail and cause them to break. Something builders need to take into account is that this fastener may also cause damage to softwood or plasterboard if too much pressure is applied when they are being fixed into place. This is because the nail can damage the soft material beyond repair.

In order to be secure, screws need to be properly tightened, otherwise, they can loosen over time and threaten the structure of what has been built, potentially acting as a safety issue in the long run. If the job is temporary and you need to remove the fastener sooner than later, choose screws. This is because screws are easily removable, making the removal process quick and seamless.


Last but not least, the overall aesthetic of what you’re working on; although it may not seem like an important aspect, when it comes to finishing, you’ll realise just how fundamental the finished look really is. If your concern is the mark a fastener will leave, then choosing a nail would be your best option. Nails are often the preferred option solution to screws because, after being hammered in, they leave less of a rugged finish to the relevant surface. In saying that, the head of a screw comes in different shapes, meaning different styles can add a touch of class to your project.

Your Project is in Trusted Hands with BetaBoard

If you’re wondering if nails vs screws are better for your project, turn to BetaBoard for the answer. We are the leading supplier of fasteners and an array of plaster supplies, dedicated to supplying builders across the country with high-quality tools and products. Find us in 5 locations across southeast Queensland, from Brisbane and Logan to Ipswich and North Lakes. If you have any queries about our products get in touch with our friendly team.