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Plasterboard Maintenance

There are lots of reasons for wanting to maintain your plasterboard. Proper plasterboard maintenance will keep your plasterboard walls and ceilings looking their best and lasting as long as possible. So, what are some good plasterboard maintenance techniques? That’s what we’re going to be answering for you today.

Plasterboard Maintenance to Keep Your Walls and Ceilings Looking Their Best

Keeping your walls and ceilings looking great doesn’t take much effort. All that is required is some general maintenance, care, and attention. Here’s a list of some specific things you can do to maintain your plasterboard.

Fill Small Holes

Plasterboard can get dinged and dented in high-traffic areas like entry halls. But fixing these kinds of small holes is not a difficult job and the materials needed can be acquired at most DIY stores. You just need some spackle, a spackle knife, a sanding sponge, and some paint to match the existing colour of the wall. Apply the spackle using the spackle knife in such as way as to completely fill the small hole. Let the spackle dry and sand the area with the sanding sponge. Paint the area you just spackled and your plasterboard should be looking as good as new.

Patch Bigger Holes

Accidents happen and sometimes we get bigger holes in our plasterboard walls. Fixing these larger holes is much the same as fixing smaller holes, but you will need a plasterboard patch kit in addition to the other material used to repair the small holes. The plasterboard repair kit will contain an adhesive patch made out of stiff fibres. Use the sanding sponge to sand the area around the hole to allow for the adhesive patch to better stick to the wall. Cover with spackle, let dry, sand, and apply a second coat of spackle if needed. Sand again and paint. No one will ever know there was once a hole there.

Deal with Popped Nails

The structure of your house is made of wood, and the plasterboard that makes up the walls and ceilings is attached to these wooden structural beams with nails. As wood ages, it can change shape. This change in shape is usually very slight, but it can be enough to pop the nails so they stick out from the wall. We usually recommend that a plasterboard professional fix popped nails, but if you’re handy it can be a DIY project. The plasterboard professional will usually remove the problem nails and replace them will screws, as screws are much less likely to pop out of place. The process of covering the new screws is much the same as fixing small holes with spackle.

Keep it Dry

Keeping your walls and ceilings dry is one of the best ways to increase the lifespan of your plasterboard. This can be difficult to do in areas of high moisture, such as kitchens or bathrooms. But you’re not helpless in these situations. You can make sure your kitchen or bathrooms are well-ventilated with open windows or extraction fans. There are also special paints that will protect your plasterboard from moderate amounts of moisture. The key takeaway of all this is to do your best to keep rooms with plasterboard as dry as possible.

What to Do When Your Plasterboard Gets Wet

Good plasterboard maintenance is keeping plasterboard dry, so what should you do if your plasterboard gets wet? Plasterboard can become wet from a number of sources. A burst pipe in the walls or a flood can be common causes of wet plasterboard. The proper course of action in these situations is to let the plasterboard dry as much as possible and have the plasterboard assessed by a plasterboard professional to determine if it will need to be replaced. A general rule is if the source of the water that cause the plasterboard to become wet was clean water, such as drinking water, then the plasterboard can often be salvaged. If the water was dirty water, such as from a sewage pipe or from flooding, then the plasterboard will more than likely need to be replaced.

Where to Get New Plasterboard if Yours is Too Far Gone

If your plasterboard is too far gone for repairs due to water damage or any other kind of damage, then it’s time to replace the old plasterboard with new plasterboard. BetaBoard is one of the leading plasterboard suppliers. You can visit our website to browse our selection of plasterboard or to order plasterboard. You can also visit one of our 5 stores, or you can get in touch online.