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Plasterboard Repair Tips

Cracks in your plasterboard walls? Small holes? No problem. These are minor repair jobs that you can do yourself. Just follow the simple plasterboard repair tips that we lay out here and your walls will be looking good as new in no time.

Our Plasterboard Repair Tips for Your Walls

Using plasterboard for wall construction has good points and bad points. It can become damaged easier than some other materials, but it’s super easy to work with and repair. If your plasterboard wall has got a crack, a small hole, or a larger hole, we’ve got you covered with these plasterboard repair tips. Let’s get started by covering how to fix a plasterboard crack.

Repairing Cracks in Plasterboard Joints

Small cracks can appear in plasterboard joints as houses age, shift, and settle. It’s just a part of living in a house. But you don’t have to live with those unsightly cracks. Repairing cracks in plasterboard joints is easy. Here’s what you need to do.

What You’ll Need for Repairing Plasterboard Cracks

You’ll need some spackle. It’s important that the spackle you get is the non-shrink kind. You’ll also need a spackle knife, paint that matches your walls, and a sanding sponge. We also recommend that people use fibre tape, as it prevents the crack from showing through the spackle work as the house continues to age and settle.

How to Repair Plasterboard Cracks

First, apply the fibre tape over the crack. Next, use the spackle knife to apply the non-shrink spackle over the fibre tape and crack. Be sure to smooth the spackle. Let the spackle dry following the instructions on the spackle’s package, then apply a second layer of spackle if needed. Let dry and lightly sand the spackled area. Finally, paint it to match the rest of the wall. It’s as easy as that.

Fixing Small Holes in Plasterboard

Fixing small holes in plasterboard is even easier than fixing cracks, especially if the damage has not gone all the way through the plasterboard. You’ll need fewer supplies and it takes less time, which is great because most walls have several small dings or holes in them. You’ll be able to bang out the whole lot in no time.

What You Need to Fix Small Holes in Plasterboard

For small hole repair work, all you’re going to need is a spackle knife, a spackle, a sanding sponge, and paint. You’ll preferably want to get a small spackle knife that is only slightly wider than the holes you’re going to be repairing. You’ll also need non-shrink spackle and paint to match the walls you are fixing.

How to Fix Small Holes in Plasterboard

To fix small holes in plasterboard all you need to do is use your spackle knife to apply the spackle over the hole. Be sure to use enough spackle so that the hole is filled completely. Then use the spackle knife to scrape away the excess spackle. That’s it. Let the spackle dry, lightly sand the area, and paint it to match the wall.

Fixing Larger Holes in Plasterboard

If the holes in your plasterboard are larger and have gone all the way through the plasterboard, you’re going to need to do a little bit more work. But this repair work is still not a big job by any means. These are the supplies you’ll need and what you’ll need to do.

What You Need to Repair Larger Holes in Plasterboard

Like all other plasterboard repair work, you’re going to need a spackle knife, non-shrink spackle, a sanding sponge, and some paint. You’ll also need a plasterboard repair patch kit. This kit will contain an adhesive stiff fibre patch that will cover the hole in your plasterboard. These patch kits come in different sizes, so be sure to buy one that is just slightly larger than the hole you will be covering.

How to Fix a Larger Hole in Plasterboard

The first thing you need to do is use the sanding sponge to lightly sand the area around the hole, then stick the fibre repair patch over the hole. The sanding will allow the fibre repair patch to better adhere to the wall. Apply a smooth and thin layer of spackle over the patch. Let the spackle dry and apply a second layer of spackle. Lightly sand the repaired area then paint it to match the rest of the wall. No one will ever know there was a hole there.

Is Your Plasterboard Too Far Gone to Maintain?

Has your plasterboard seen better days? If your plasterboard is too far gone for these plasterboard repair tips then it might be better to get new plasterboard. You can buy plasterboard and get a good deal from BetaBoard. We are the plasterboard suppliers Brisbane home and business owners call on. You can organise a quote or browse our available materials by visiting one of our 5 stores, or you can get in touch online.