Cornice above green walls | Featured image for the Unique Cornice Decorating Ideas blog from BetaBoard.

Creating Architectural Accents: Unique Cornice Decorating Ideas

It’s the details that turn an ordinary space into someplace special. Something different, something maybe a little unexpected. Cornices will do that for just about any room. They are less commonly seen now than they used to be, which makes their presence all the more effective in setting the mood and implementing the look that you want. Now, advanced materials make cornices easier to install – they’ve become a genuine DIY project for the homeowner, and they’ll make professional work go faster and more smoothly than ever before. Come along as we look at some very attractive and easy-to-install unique cornice decorating ideas.

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A Little Cornice History

Cornices go way back – to at least the classical Greek period. Highly ornate or modest and plain, they always provide a welcome to any interior, softening and elevating the plain angle joint between wall and ceiling. The explosion of homebuilding that occurred in the mid-1900s favoured very simple design and least expensive construction. Cornices fell out of favour in the rush to complete look-alike subdivision housing as quickly as possible to meet demand. Much of the character and quality were often lost in any project not intended for the top of the market.

Cornices Today – Technology For The Win

Cornices never went away completely, but they’ve been brought back as an integral part of well-designed upscale interiors. Cornices once were almost always wood or plaster, heavy and rather fragile, and subject to decay over time. Today’s cornices are available in very durable construction of gypsum core overlaid with a bonded surface of paper, often from earth-friendly recycled sources. Gypsum is by nature fireproof and extremely durable. It is also a more economical material. Once installed, today’s cornices are up there to stay.

Cornice Defends and Protects

Cornice protects the wall to ceiling joint that is present along the entire running length of all walls. In standard wallboard construction, it is understood that this joint is difficult to get exactly right every time. Fillers are used to tidy up the slightly imperfect joints. The fillers will age differently than the materials around them, and over time, cracking and lifting may spoil the look of this highly visible area, as well as compromising the sealing effect that an interior is supposed to provide. Repainting will be needed, and patch painting may require a custom match to existing aged and colour-shifted wall paint. The alternative is to repaint the whole wall.

When modern cornice is installed, the joint area is well-protected and will stay that way for years, so filler presents less of a long-term problem. If new cornice ever needs to be installed, paint matching is less complex and costly. Standard-mix colour is usually perfectly acceptable – a slight difference to aged wall paint being barely noticeable because the cornice is clearly separate from the wall and ceiling surfaces. The good looks of cornice are almost an additional benefit to the steady protection and ease of long-term property maintenance it will provide.

Standard Cove Cornice

Cove cornice makes a simple and elegant statement, modest and unassuming. It is the most versatile cornice – fitting into design schemes and unique cornice decorating ideas in any room. It is very popular in commercial interiors as well as in the home. Available in a variety of widths and lengths, to complement different wall heights and design layouts, it installs easily, and it always looks good. You really can’t go wrong with cove cornice.

Decorative Cornice

Today, there is no reason not to choose a more complex and visually interesting cornice design. The cost is reasonable. It will protect just as well as a simple cove cornice, and last just as long. Traditional decorative cornice profiles are available in modern fabricated construction, so whatever direction the interior design takes, from vintage to retro, there is a decorative cornice of durable modern fabrication that will look right.

Contact Us to Learn More

We hope this brief look at unique cornice decorating ideas puts cornice into your plans. We want you to see everything that’s available and to consider how it will improve any interior project you’re working on. If you’re ready to buy cornice decorations for your home, check out our available range. For any queries, get in touch, and stop by one of our convenient stores to discuss your plans with our knowledgeable staff.